Strange hormonal problems - advice welcome!

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Strange hormonal problems - advice welcome!

Post by Izumi2 »

Hello, I am 36 years old and have been having some hormonal issues that I would like advice about. I have had a few stressful life events starting in 2017, and have experienced irregular periods off and on since then. I also lost my period completely for 1.5 years from fall 2019 to spring 2021 due to some orthorexic eating habits. Since then, I have experienced severe mood drops and anxiety, overthinking, indigestion, and other symptoms - although I think the severe anxiety started flaring in 2017, but losing my period may have made it worse. My symptoms seemed to worsen even more after getting some vaccines for travel last September (yellow fever, typhoid, first dose of Hepatitis A and B, all in a span of two days). I began experiencing physical and mental fatigue, flushed face and neck, and slight soreness in my lymph nodes, especially on the left side of my throat. I also tested positive for Covid last November, though I believe the fatigue and lymph node issues started in October after the vaccines. The strange thing is that over time, I noticed these issues from the vaccines corresponded to my hormonal cycle, flaring during different times of my cycle. These symptoms have slowly been resolving over the past year, but I am still experiencing debilitating mental fatigue and overthinking/anxiety at least once a week, making it hard for me to function in my day-to-day life.

I don't know if it's possible that my body is still trying to re-regulate my hormones from losing my period? In my 20s, my period was very regular and I was very active and healthy with a good digestion and high metabolism. I am still quite active and healthy in most respects, except for the aforementioned hormonal problems. Over the past few months, I have also noticed that I can feel my left ovary - not really painful, but just aware that it's there, and sometimes a little bit of burning sensation, but again, not really painful. I don't know how to explain this, but I have been having a sort of severe hunger related to my ovary, as if it is craving certain things, especially fat or sugar, and crunchy foods. I have been eating a lot of things such as peanut butter and granola and dark chocolate chips all together, and can feel my ovary contract when I eat things like this, and sometimes I discharge cervical mucus afterwards. It feels almost like my body is having trouble contracting, not only before my period but all month long. I get this extreme hunger and sensation in my ovary very frequently, and debilitating anxiety and brain fog at least once a week. I have had OCD since I was eight years old, so I have always dealt with anxiety, but it feels like my body is struggling in a way that triggers the anxiety even more. Also, I don't know if this is significant, but my metabolism is quite high and my blood sugar tends to drop quickly, and I have a hard time thinking and processing well when I am hungry. I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job of explaining all this, but if anybody has any thoughts or advice, I would greatly appreciate it!

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