vitex agnus long term, for frequent headaches

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vitex agnus long term, for frequent headaches

Post by maria_sr »

Hello Lara, I found your website because of your Vitex Agnus post (the do's and dont's) and since then I have been using it as a guide,thank you! it is very useful.
The reason is because I have been having increased headaches around my period and ovulation dates for over two years already. At the beginning some of my hormones tests seemed be out of range (high prolactin, FSH and possibly estrogen dominance). However, the prolactin went back to normal range within a few months and FSH has decrease to slightly higher than the normal range. As for estrogen dominance, I'm not quite sure how to estimate it, but according to Google I seem to have it. I'm just assuming it through Google, because I have gone to different practitioners, alternative and non-alternative ones, and no one seems to be helpful or give me a clear diagnosis.

So I have taken matters in my hands and did the Vitex Agnus treatment for 6 months. I did perceive a noticeable difference in the intensity and frequency of my headaches (they are no longer intense migraines but mostly light headaches and they respond better to medicine than before). However, during the last months of the treatment and the following two months after treatment I saw that my period changed to being more scanty, lighter in flow and darker in color. During my last cycle I decided to take Maca root, as I read many positive things about it regarding hormone balance, and now my last period went back to normal in its flow and color, but once more the frequency and intensity of the headaches are back (by frequency I mean 4-5 before and during period and sometimes a few more during ovulation). I'm considering going back to Vitex Agnus for a longer term use, but I'm hesitant due to the change I had in my period while using it. I do have to mention that I also was drinking a lot of fennel tea, which later I understood has some phytoestrogen properties, but I'm not sure if this can affect also change my period in that way.

Please let me know your opinions, this would be really helpful for me considering the vast amount of confusion I have been through with this problem. Thanks!!

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