Taking DIM shortened my period. Do you use it long term? Or short?

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Taking DIM shortened my period. Do you use it long term? Or short?

Post by Adrummonds »

Hi there! I am a female athlete in weightlifting and was having issues with a very heavy period (bleeding through “ultra” tampons every 2 hours), along with acne on my shoulders, neck, and low back, with severe pms, anxiety and my cycles were every 32-35 days. I did a DUTCH test that made it look like my hormones were flat lined. I then did a blood test which showed normal FSH, Thyroid, Testosterone/Free Testosterone, Progesterone at 10.9, but my estradiol was at 240. This was taken in my luteal phase 7 days after ovulation and before my period. So it seemed like my hormone blood levels were normal, but on the metabolite side with the Dutch test something was off in my body with metabolizing those hormones.

I read your book and also did a ton of research learning about the metabolites and detox phases so started taking 500mg Cal-D. I noticed a little bit of relief but not much with this so I then started taking 100mg of DIM at the start of my last period and OMG the relief! My period was lighter and only 5 days, I had very minimal anxiety, almost no pms except just 1 day, and felt soooo much better!

The only thing is my period came super early at Day 22 instead of the 32-35 days like it used to. I definitely ovulated because I had fertile mucus (a lot) around Day 14 and a rise in temperature, but the luteal phase was a lot shorter. So even though I have a ton of relief from all the previous symptoms I’m wondering if the shorter luteal phase and shorter cycle is ok? Is DIM meant to be taken long term or just once every not and then?

Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated!


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