prolongued Uterus ? Discomfort

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prolongued Uterus ? Discomfort

Post by lurensia »

It's like having my period discomforts all month. I cant pinpoint this pain, it's like when my period is coming down and I feel a pressure in my uterus, when I have to pee it gets intense, I guess because the bladder grows and it worsen the pressure (I never had infections and peeing is normal). I also feel it in my vulva, but deep like I would say vagina but vagina is supposed not to have sensations ?

My docs (regular, gyno and endo) say there's nothing wrong in my tests.
My periods get regular at 32, 35 days, and then twice a year I miss one.
I had this for most year and made all the tests, then it got better, and now I came back after a 70 day period.

My last period was great, pain free, normal amount and length, then after signs of ovulation (which I think is ovulation according to Lara's book, but I have no record of basal temperature) it started and it hasn't stopped (day 33 now). I'm 36 and when I just managed to get good periods I feel perimenopausic.

Thanks to your book I'm taking zinc and magnesium and having most all painless pms. I've also done 3 month treatments of agnus-castus that works wonders.

thank you in advance. I hope this serves de community as well

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