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Do I really have PCOS?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:45 pm
by amberholstein725
Hi, everyone!

I had bloodwork done back in October 2022. It was the usual CBC workup plus my LH, FSH, and TSH levels. My cycle for that month was the 5th-12th and my appointment was on the 21st. My bloodwork showed that my LH levels were 15.8, my FSH levels were 5.7, and my TSH levels were 0.923. My PA diagnosed me with PCOS according to the 2:1 ratio of my LH and FSH levels and my heavy periods. I’m a bit skeptical. I also had an ultrasound a week or so later and my ovaries looked fine but I do have a small uterine fibroid and was told it wasn’t harmful. I do have an appointment in a few weeks with a gynecologist at the same office to discuss other things but thought about getting his opinion as well. I’ve also thought about scheduling an appointment with an endocrinologist to get further bloodwork and another opinion.

I’d love some feedback and insight because I’m feeling more confused than anything.