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Puffy eyes taking Prometrium

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:49 pm
by Breas_au
I've been taking Prometrium for perimenopause symptoms. I've been taking the dose recommended of 300mg per night, for about 5 nights now. However, in that time I've noticed my eyes have been very puffy everyday and don't go down. Has anyone else noticed this?

Re: Puffy eyes taking Prometrium

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:24 pm
by Jeslyn
That wouldn't be a common side-effect for Prometrium, but it can cause fluid-retention, which I guess could come in the form of puffiness around the eyes. Are they itchy as well? If they are, then I suspect it's something else and the timing is just coincidence.

You could always stop the Prometrium for a few days. If the puffiness goes away, then maybe it's the Prometrium. At that point, you'd start taking it again, and if the puffiness comes back, it seems like a strong connection.

Probably something you should discuss with your healthcare provider anyway.