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Can heavy PMS spotting before/ after period be addressed the same way as heavy periods?

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 8:18 pm
by Meowkat
I have consistently had spotting for 5-7 days before my period for years. At one point I used wild yam cream on my inner arms to assist during the luteal phase with great success and no spotting. I’m three cycles in after my second baby and having 35 day cycles with about ten days of spotting before and 4-5 days of spotting after. I suspect I could add the progesterone back in, but curious if you would recommend an herb to better address the root cause? I’ve ordered vitanica’s Fem Rebalance w Vitex. Cannot recommend vitanica enough if you have access in AU.

I’ve been lower carb than usual so I’m stopping that. I am on levothyroxine. I’ve had no problem getting pregnant twice with successful pregnancies. I’m also experiencing a little more noticeable PMS ten days or so before bleed such as anxiety, agitation, strong appetite (normal?), bloating, acne and night wakings.