Irregular bleeding - is it worth pursuing answers?

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Irregular bleeding - is it worth pursuing answers?

Post by Mikaylaws »

Hi there, I’m hoping to have some guidance on if it’s worth going private to pursue answers for my irregular bleeding.

For a not so brief history: 26yo, been off birth control 1.5y after being on multiple different types over 12 years. Diagnosed adenomyosis and IBS via ex lap. Had PCOS ruled out a few years ago according to my old doctor, but don’t feel like he put his heart in to it... Potential endo on my latest pelvic ultrasound, all bloodwork normal. In general, I will spot/bleed for 2-3 weeks, then can start bleeding again in as little as a week later. However, my cycle is all over the place so those are averages. Sometimes get sharp pains in my lower abdomen if I sneeze/cough, usually on the left side.
My mother has a history of PCOS and endo.

Long story short, I’m at a frustrating stand still trying to find out WHY my cycle is all over the show, and it’s disheartening being told going back on the pill is my only option by my doctor.

Would love to know if there is always a cause for irregular bleeding and is it worth spending the time and money to go private? Or do I just accept it at this point.

Thanks so much for your time!

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