Progesterone Dose With Sensitive ME/CFS Person

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Progesterone Dose With Sensitive ME/CFS Person

Post by Zed-Red »

Thank you Lara for this wonderful forum and your beautifully informative books! I would be so grateful for any advice – with a sensitive person, is it best to start low dose with progesterone and gradually go up in strength?

I have ME/CFS and Lyme disease and so I tend to have to start things slowly as my body does not always react like a normal person’s. Less is usually more with me, so I was thinking of taking the smallest amount and going from there. However I read that when using progesterone, estrogen can come up more and then there is a battle between them, so is it best to go in high with progesterone? Also I am nervous about taking progesterone and then being able to tell whether symptoms are caused by estrogen going high or if they are caused by too much progesterone? Lastly, with someone like me is it best to use topical cream, so that the progesterone does not have to go through the liver? Would that be less for my body to deal with?

Present symptoms - Adenomyosis for many years (very heavy bleeding/clots 3 days of period – causing low ferritin and iron infusions), small fibroid, hair falling out, hair growing where you don’t want it grrrr!. I am 51 and began sweating at night back in 2016; it comes and goes depending on stress. Itching body, anxiety. Cycle used to be 28 day cycle with spotting from day 21. Now can be 22-26 day cycle with spotting beforehand. (Also in the past I have had PCOS, Polyp, Endometriosis and fibroid size of a grapefruit etc.) . So I have probably needed progesterone for YEARS!!!

I don’t eat sugar, dairy, wheat/gluten, alcohol etc. I take Dim, Calcium-d-glucarate, Agnus Castus, Glutathione, Multi Vit plus extra B6, Boswellia (not all the time), Iron. Began taurine, took extra magnesium & zinc (having issue with both – will write separate question for this). Eve primrose, fish oils, ubiquinnol etc.

Without Dim bleeding is heavier and without Agnus Castus, I notice a difference. Ubiquinnol helps my energy. Tried turmeric in past but will try again.

Any advice would be very much appreciated!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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