Very high anxiety

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Very high anxiety

Post by Jen »

Hormone Repair Manual is wonderful, thank you! I've always had some (manageable) predisposition to anxiety/rumination, but in the last maybe year or so it's been getting increasingly high. I live in US and started to have a huge fear of shootings, feel fearful out for walks that I would get shot. (At the same time, the walks have been a huge source of sanity and really helping me manage peri). A few weeks ago I was bitten on the leg by a dog on a walk - very out of the blue - apparently a new rescue to an owner who was out trying to get to know the dog's behaviors and found out via me that the dog bites. Thankfully not too bad physically, did not require stitches just small punctures and bruised up, but since then the anxiety around going for walks is nearly debilitating.

I still attempt to walk as I think it's critical for my health and sanity, and I know intellectually that my chances of another dog bite or getting shot, etc are not high, but I'm guessing this maybe a peri nervous system thing because I'm a wreck - actually feel like sound is wildly overstimulating and I have to keep looking behind and all around me. A squirrel runs behind me or a bird rustles leaves and I jump out of my skin, always feel like I've "survived" by the time I make it back home, cry when I see dogs and have to take a very wide berth.

I'm doing the magnesium, taurine, NAC and zinc dosing you recommend, and just about 5 days ago started 100mg Prometrium during luteal phase. It is definitely helping me sleep which is wonderful, but I'm still an anxious wreck on walks. I hope over time perhaps the Prometrium will help decrease the anxiety, but wanted to reach out as I feel like my world is getting smaller and smaller with the intense fear of the walks. I desperately need the walks, so wanted to ask if you suspect I'm on a good track and that over time the Prometrium will help more, or if I am missing something else to try also. Thank you SO much.

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