Struggling for Answers for 30+ years. Please help!

A discussion area for perimenopause. Please start by reviewing my articles Perimenopause is not about aging and Rescue prescription for perimenopause.
And my perimenopause book Hormone Repair Manual.
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Struggling for Answers for 30+ years. Please help!

Post by mags12 »


I am a 43 yo female that has been struggling with hormonal imbalances for almost 30 years. It all began with extremely painful and heavy periods at 14. Was placed on BCP to "regulate" and it helped some of my symptoms for a bit. Continued to struggle with acne, heavy/irregular periods, night sweats (cyclical), breast tenderness into my 20's. Started trying to get pregnant in my early 30's, miscarried multiple times. Once fertility specialist supplemented with progesterone, finally had a "successful" pregnancy. Water broke very early (30 wks) and was then diagnosed with Mullerian Anomaly (solitary kidney, one ovary and half of a uterus). Went on to deliver one more child to term with the help of weekly progesterone injections. For the last 10 years I have been tested by OB for PCOS, endocrinologist for other abnormalities...all comes back normal. I have tried naturopathic doctors, have spent thousands on testing and supplements without much improvement. I continue to have spotting before my period, acne, breast tenderness, chin hair, fatigue, weight gain (middle), headaches (cyclical), thinning hair, PMS, decreased libido, night sweats (cyclical) one seems to know why or how to help! Would love some ideas on what over labs to run or any other suggestions, feeling frustrated and defeated. :( After listening to another one of your podcasts today, wondering if it could be adrenal a loss as far as what to do or who to see that can actually help. Thank you in advance!!!

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