Uk supplements

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Uk supplements

Post by EmWK »

Any advise on best type of magnesium/taurine supplements in UK? (On a budget)
Also I’m worried about long term effects on bone loss. How do you protect against this into your 50/60/70’s and beyond? Is HRT an option for these years? Davina Mcalls TV programme had ladies using bio identical in late 50/60’s for health protection?
Not sure what’s in the UK to get bio identical as don’t think NHS prescribe these???
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Re: Uk supplements

Post by Lara »

Actually, body-identical is pretty standard now with an estrogen patch plus Utrogestan.
See my YouTube video about body-identical hormone therapy.
And please see the bone health section in Hormone Repair Manual. I also list some brand names in the back of the book.
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Re: Uk supplements

Post by Rivardm »

Kia ora - I have a client who is 46 years old diagnosed with endometriosis/adenomyosis. Two years ago, she went through a few rounds of Ivf. She was put into an 'induced menopause state' prior to her treatment. It was unsuccessful and for several months, her period did not return and she was still experiencing strong symptoms of hot flashes poor sleep, etc. Her GP put her on NOVOFEM for three months to try and bring her cycle back. She said she felt amazing on it - more energy, better sleep, no pain. Her period did not come back (of course because she was not cycling the HRT) but did when she stopped. All the endo stuff is back and she just wants to stay on HRT. My knowledge of HRT is limited but I am concerned with proliferation of endo with combined HRT and wonder if it is safer for her to be on progesterone only??? she has worked with other naturopaths for years and is doing all the right things to manage her endo - it is quite a severe case and she has been told that she needs to have a hysterectomy:( would really love some guidance on HRT options for her - if they are at all.
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Re: Uk supplements

Post by Sarah17 »

Hi EmWK,
Nutri Advanced make some good magnesium powders, and the one called MegaMag Calmeze has good amounts of magnesium glycinate, glycine, taurine etc. that Lara recommends in her books.
Re: bio-identical hormones on the NHS - there are four or five options for oestrogen which are body identical (use this term with the doctor rather than bio-identical), and Utrogestan is the body identical progesterone. Do some research beforehand so you can ask for the brands that you want. Just put into Google 'body identical oestrogen on the NHS'. If your GP does not agree, ask to be referred to a menopause specialist. I had to wait eight months to see one, but it was worth it :) Good luck, Sarah
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Re: Uk supplements

Post by Sarah17 »

Just to clarify, I was referred to a menopause clinic at Bart's Hospital in London, and saw and still 'see' (on the phone mainly, now) a professor who is very open to listening and giving you what you want.
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Re: Uk supplements

Post by Beesteph »

Hi sarah17 who do you see at Bart’s please? What help have you had there please? Thank you
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