Vestibular Migraines

A discussion area for topics from my second book Hormone Repair Manual. When you start a thread, please refer to the chapter where the topic appears.
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Vestibular Migraines

Post by terrip »

During the discussion about vestibular migraines in the book, it is suggested that estrogen be used for the five days before the period (second part of luteal phase) to tame down the vestibular migraine at it's worst time of the month. My question is, with perimenopausal heavy bleeding would I still want to use this estrogen to alleviate/prevent the vestibular migraine?
I am using otc progesterone cream (Trying to get an rx for prometrium, but until then), magnesium glycinate, taurine, chelated iron, zinc, b6 and curcumin. The cream has been working great to reduce the crazy heavy bleeding of peri , and it keeps the vestibular issues down for most of the month... however I still have those intense times especially that week leading up to my period. I'm thinking about trying to add some estrogen then... but not sure how it will effect peri heavy bleeding?
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Re: Vestibular Migraines

Post by Lara »

In general, if you can get onto Prometrium, your period is unlikely to be made heavier by a small dose of estrogen gel in the final 3 or so days of your cycle. ie. it would be a small amount of estrogen compared to your own estrogen. But of course, check with your doctor.
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