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Welcome to my forum.

Post by Lara »

Welcome to my forum.

I'm a naturopathic doctor and author of the books Period Repair Manual and Hormone Repair Manual. I created this space for people to discuss the women's health issues covered in my books, blog, and podcast.

While I won't be able to reply to every question, I will monitor the forum to answer frequently asked questions and gather topics for future blog posts, podcasts, and social media content.

And of course, you can answer questions to help each other, so don't be afraid to share your experience, knowledge, and links to other resources. I will moderate the threads to keep them friendly and helpful. Lara Briden
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by Mmf5040 »

I would love to learn more about what to expect when coming off hormonal birth control, what I can do to lessen symptoms prior to stopping.
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by tanyaedwards1969 »

Hi Lara,

My name is Tanya Edwards and I am excited to be part of this forum. I have a naturopathic clinic in Stanmore, Inner West Sydney and I follow you a great deal so thanks so much for setting this up.
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by annajk »

Hi - thanks for this useful forum. I would appreciate a podcast (or something) on using Prometrium/Utrogestan vaginally vs using it orally. Specifically, by using it vaginally am I missing out on systemic benefits? I think it is better absorbed vaginally, from my experience (very little breakthrough bleeding). I take 100mg a night continuously, but my doctor says I can't take 200mg orally per night. My limited research, shows that absorption of 200mg orally is roughly equivalent to 100mg vaginally. So what would be the issue with taking 200mg orally every night if that dose helps me sleep (100mg orally is not enough for me)?
I am histamine intolerant so don't take oestrogen. Age 51, nearing end of perimenopause from what I can tell.
So, yes, some info on the mysteries and myths of progesterone would be great!
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by Mimimo »

Kia Ora,
I am a 50 yrs old woman from Germany.
I came across your blog some years ago.it made me stop the pill.
I think I was about 42. I ve found a gyn specialist in HRT ( bioidentical).
In these time my hormones were swoon.. everything fine.
Ive searched help at her 2 yrs ago when I felt I was very tired and thought I ve better get my hormones checked, as my periods were changing to get a bit irregular.
I than was following you via blog, fg and insta and recommended your page to all my women friends and collegues - young and old.

I ve purchased your book Hormon Repair manual some months ago and reading. Also I startetd with progesteron BI almost 2 yrs ago ( estrogen dominance) and now I m on estrogen as well.. but I am not happy about that because I see no help ( had no issues) and I think I have side effects..

I ve posted a question about that earlier today.
( Gyn prescriebed Gynokadin too hasty).. I ve read chaptre 4 in your book and I am confused if the Gyn did right for me..
Whatever, dear Lara.. maybe you get a moment what you recommend..

Thanks a lot for your wonderful blog, which opened my eyes and is so helpul. Also your great book.
Whish I d had it earlier.. also your first book when I was in my thirties..
Lots of Love and thank you for helping us women, Mimimo
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by Mimimo »

Hi annajk,
Just read your post.
I actually take farnenita ( which is progesteron ) 200 mg vaginal, as my doctor says there it works in the right place without gettinng it metabolized trough the liver.

Also I it interesting that you don‘ t take estrogen cause of histamine intolerance. i m suspected to be histamine intoleraze, definitely I thinkI m histamine sensitive.
Since I m on estrogen ( and I doubt that I really neeeed it) my hayfever pollen allergy is so bad,,

I suspect the estrogen gel..
I hope Lara gets back to you and im very curious what she states about the intake of progesteron vaginal vs oral in your case.
All the best, Mimimo
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by rdixon6 »

Hi Forum,
I’m Rachel, 50 and glad to be on this forum. History of Endo, grade 1a womb cancer diagnosis Feb ‘21. Full hysterectomy March ‘21. Cancer E&P positive. No HRT initially offered but I demanded it following awful surgical menopause symptoms, in particular chronic insomnia. I’m on 1 x pump Estradiol and 100 mg Utrogestan. Other than lots of magnesium and lifestyle changes can you recommend anything for chronic insomnia? I’m balancing risk of HRT triggering potential remaining Endo / cancer in pelvic area with quality of life. Thanks for reading.
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by Rosanne0204 »

Hello! Loved your book "Hormone Repair Manual" been recommending it to everyone. The subject of Mast Cell Activation and Allergies really interested me and it was the first time that someone acknowledge that Perimenopause can trigger these. There wasn't much mention of tinnitus and I can't get the same answer on this subject from different doctors. My question, can tinnitus triggered by allergies go away once the allergies have been addressed? Does developing allergies during perimenopause always me that our mast cells have been activated? I keep being told that I have different issues going on but my gut feeling is telling me otherwise.
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by TimsArmyGyrl »

Hello all!

Lara I love your books. I am 54 and in menopause (last cycle 5/22). Looking forward to learning more here.
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Re: Welcome to my forum.

Post by franqmike »

Excited to be in a community of folks with uterus' who are on a journey to healthy hormone and period health. Lara's book has been a Godsend for me. My acupuncturist shared with me. Super grateful for the information!
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