Low iron - GI "bleeding?"

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Low iron - GI "bleeding?"

Post by jeangrey »

I have low iron levels that have been decreasing in particular the last 5 years. My doctor (my non-integrative PCP) wants to check a pelvic ultrasound first to see if there's any "extra bleeding" and she says if that looks normal then wants to do a GI work-up, again, for "any bleeding." She didn't explain this very well to me. Does this make sense? How can my GI tract "bleed" without me knowing about it? I've been eating a lot of dairy, also due to being depressed during the pandemic I've been eating it more, and I've known for a long time I'm sensitive to it. It makes sense to me that it's more of an absorption issue, and I don't want to be rushed in to any GI tract tests that I don't understand or aren't necessary. This doc is pushy and she doesn't like answering my questions and giving me actual detailed answers. I'm planning on finding an integrative medicine doc, too.
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Re: Low iron - GI "bleeding?"

Post by Lara »

Yes, hidden GI bleeding can cause iron deficiency so sometimes does need to be assessed.
Are your periods heavy? Because that would be a more obvious place to start.
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