High androstenedione, regular cycles, no pol. ovaries

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High androstenedione, regular cycles, no pol. ovaries

Post by app99_ »

Dr. Briden, thank you so much for all the clarity you have brought to this space.

I am 30 y/o, I quit the pill two years ago and have been having hirsutism, androgenic alopecia and acne ever since. My period is regular (28 days), I am not obese (but do have stubborn belly fat), and I don't have polycystic ovaries (though I did have a cyst burst in my mid-20s)

I've been told my prolactin looks normal, oestradiol and SHBG both look low but within range, and there is no indication I am insulin resistant. My LH/FH is 6.1/3.8 in mid-cycle, but has jumped to 10/3.1 at the end of cycle. I have normal testosterone (1.80) but do have high androstenedione that varies greatly but always on the higher end of the range (11-24 nmol/l). My DHEA-S is normal (6.8). I asked for a dexamethasone suppression test which came back normal. My acne is better with tretinoin but my hirsutism and hair loss has not stopped, and I have anxiety. I refuse to take spironolactone (thanks to your advice) and am currently taking zinc, iron and saw palmetto, as well as other supplements like vitamin d3, omega 3, selenium, inositol, magnesium, spearmint extract and rhodiola.

I'd appreciate any suggestions as to what might be going on, and any recommendations for practitioners in London!

Many many thanks in advance,
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Re: High androstenedione, regular cycles, no pol. ovaries

Post by Lara »

Are you confident that you're ovulating? To obtain the anti-androgen benefits of progesterone.
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Re: High androstenedione, regular cycles, no pol. ovaries

Post by app99_ »

Thank you so much Dr. Briden. I have been using FAM and have seen steady temperature increases and several positive LH strips. My doctor also did a blood test and confirmed it. I am not sure if I have post-pill PCOS, since skin symptoms are now getting better (2 years after stopping) but belly fat, hirsutism and extensive hair loss remain. It is also odd that it is only androstenedione that is high... Do you think I should try progesterone in the luteal phase?

Thank you!
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Re: High androstenedione, regular cycles, no pol. ovaries

Post by SilviaAlessandra »

It happens the same to me!
And it all happened because I came off Diane 35, 6 months after coming off I got (which I didnt have before taking it) hirsutism , and androgenic alopecia , a receding hairline in the front line, stubborn belly fat, androgenic body fat distribution, gut problems, bile problems, my skin looked bad, and etc , etc
I recently started zinc bisglycinate, 20 mg, and I think it might been helping, but I dont know
I'll start soon, on myo inositol, and hopefully add magnesium bisglycinate, berberine and silymarin, fish oil, melatonin, and If I'm lucky a Dr. that could Rx some dose of utrogestan

I'm 21 , and In the last 6 months I have had regular cycles but my androgenic symptoms persists, then I might be not ovulating how do I fix this
Last edited by SilviaAlessandra on Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: High androstenedione, regular cycles, no pol. ovaries

Post by mid30 »


i hope you see the post. I have the exact problems as you. how is your condition now?

regards, Ursa
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