Heavy period bleeding since birth of 4th baby!

A discussion area for heavy periods. Please start by reviewing my article/podcast/YouTube video Natural treatment of heavy periods and Chapter 9 of Period Repair Manual.
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Heavy period bleeding since birth of 4th baby!

Post by 4kidsNkale »

I’ve been pouring over The Period Repair manual - it’s so wonderful! I’m a 38 year old mom of 4 who just finished breastfeeding her 13 month old. I have had a regular heavy period for the last 8 months, making me clinically anemic. I eat very clean with lots of green veggies, limited gluten and dairy. Other than anemia, my blood work is within normal range. My ultrasound shows healthy uterus and ovaries - but I’m still bleeding so much during my regular periods. Dr want to use Mirena and I need help convincing them to let me try micronized progesterone! Any advice for me?!
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Re: Heavy period bleeding since birth of 4th baby!

Post by Lara »

If you have my second book (Hormone Repair Manual), see the "how to speak to your doctor" sections in the heavy period chapter.

Print Professor Jerilynn Prior’s document “For Healthcare Providers: Managing Menorrhagia Without Surgery” and take it to your consult and say something like "This Canadian endocrinology professor has a protocol using Prometrium/Utrogestan. I'd like to trial that for a few months."

it's also important to rule out an underlying problem with thyroid, but hopefully your doctor did that.
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