Help for Post-Pill Acne, Hair Loss, and Weight Gain

What do post-pill acne, hair loss, and weight gain all have in common? They can all be the result of a temporary surge in androgens when trying to come off certain types of hormonal birth control. In episode eight of my podcast/YouTube video, I discuss post-pill androgen symptoms including why pills like Yasmin are the … Read more

How to Prevent and Treat Post-Pill Acne

Coming off birth control doesn’t have to be a nightmare for skin. Your skin might have been bad the last time you tried to stop the pill but this time will be different. This time, you’ll know about post-pill acne and how to treat it.

How to Come Off Hormonal Birth Control

You’re ready. You suspect hormonal birth control is no longer right for your body, and you have a sinking feeling it never was. Of course, you have questions about the process of coming off birth control. What will happen to your skin? Will you get your period? Which natural treatments can you use to make … Read more

How Birth Control Switches Off Hormones and Why That Matters

The pill was an important step in our struggle to legalize contraception. I celebrate that, of course.  Hormonal birth control can also be medicine for debilitating conditions such as severe endometriosis and very heavy periods. I celebrate that. What I don’t celebrate is the distorted message that hormonal birth control is the only birth control. And I don’t celebrate its widespread prescription as “hormone … Read more