Immune Treatment for Endometriosis

endometriosisEndometriosis is not a hormonal condition. It’s affected by estrogen but is not caused by estrogen or “estrogen dominance.”

Instead, endometriosis is a whole-body inflammatory and immune disease, and possibly a microbial disease.

What does that mean for treatment?

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4 Causes of Androgen Excess in Women

If you suffer hair loss, facial hair (hirsutism), or acne, then you know all about androgen excess or high male hormones.

You may have been given the diagnosis of PCOS, but there are actually several different reasons for androgen excess in women, including androgen hypersensitivity, adrenal androgen excess, high prolactin, menopause, and hormonal birth control with a high androgen index.

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How to Prevent and Treat Post-Pill Acne

clear skinComing off birth control doesn’t have to be a nightmare for skin. Your skin might have been bad the last time you tried to stop the pill but this time will be different. This time, you’ll know about post-pill acne and how to treat it.

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Endometriosis: 5 Natural Treatments That Really Work

Natural endometriosis treatmentEndometriosis is not like other period problems. It’s not a hormonal condition like PMS and PCOS. It’s affected by hormones, yes, but fundamentally endometriosis is a disease of immune dysfunction.

The medical consensus has not yet caught up with the new research into endometriosis and immune dysfunction so hormonal suppression remains the primary treatment.

There is a better way.

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