How to Increase Estrogen

If you’re a woman of reproductive age, making sufficient estrogen is important for mood, bones, muscles, and metabolism.

Signs you’re making enough estrogen include the presence of cervical fluid and regular ovulation. 

Signs you’re not making enough estrogen include a lack of periods and vaginal dryness.


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4 Causes of Androgen Excess in Women

If you suffer hair loss, facial hair (hirsutism), or acne, then you know all about androgen excess or high male hormones.

You may have been given the diagnosis of PCOS, but there are actually several different reasons for androgen excess in women, including androgen hypersensitivity, adrenal androgen excess, high prolactin, menopause, and hormonal birth control with a high androgen index.

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Gentle Carbs for GABA, Cortisol, and HPA (Adrenal) Dysfunction

Those of us who treat young women know that some women need to eat carbs or what I call gentle carbs.

A keto diet is great in theory and great for many people. But it does not work for everyone.

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Build Better Bones by Avoiding These 7 Bone Saboteurs

Your bones are not inert calcium repositories. They are dynamic, living tissue, and they respond to a variety of health factors.

That’s why eating more calcium will not give you better bones. And that’s why the strategy for preventing osteoporosis goes way beyond calcium, and way beyond dairy. The strategy is to look at all of the hidden health factors that affect bone health.

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