The Curious Link Between Estrogen, Mast Cells, and Histamine

The role of mast cells and histamine in estrogen dominanceHeadaches. Anxiety. Insomnia. Brain fog. Hives. Nasal congestion. These are just a few of the symptoms of mast cell activation or high histamine.

Histamine symptoms are more common in women and often track with the menstrual cycle, occurring when estrogen is high at ovulation and then again just before the period. 

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What Dairy Does to Periods

cow's dairy and periodsMore than twenty years ago I discovered something: When I stopped having dairy, I stopped having period pain.

Since then, I’ve worked with thousands of patients who have had the same result. For many women (not all), stopping dairy can dramatically improve period pain, heavy periods, endometriosis, acne, and PMS.

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The PMS Solution: 3 Steps to Hormonal Resilience

premenstrual syndromePMS is my favorite thing to treat because it responds so well to natural treatment. I love to hear patients say: “I was surprised when my period just arrived. I didn’t even feel it coming.”

No irritability. No headache. No food cravings. It is possible.

The first step to easy periods is to value female hormones. Both estrogen and progesterone are powerful assets, and not something to be switched off with hormonal birth control.

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8 Ways Magnesium Rescues Hormones

Magnesium for hormone healthAs my patients can tell you, I prescribe magnesium for almost every hormonal condition, including PCOS, insulin resistance, PMDD, migraines, and perimenopause.

Magnesium deficiency is common because modern soils are depleted, and your body dumps magnesium during stress. So, if you’re under stress, you probably need magnesium.


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